Helping Women through WiN@Mattamy

Two woman taking a selfie, each wearing a pink and white hard hat with the Mattamy logo on it. With parked cars and houses in the background.

Case Study

To support the career growth of high‑potential women at Mattamy, we started the Women’s Initiatives at Mattamy or WiN@Mattamy program. Each year, we pair 15 to 20 female team members (sponsorees) with experienced leaders from across the company (sponsors) for a year of one-on-one mentorship and development. The program facilitates conversations and mentorship opportunities that contribute to the development and retention of women in our company.

"I’ve learned a lot. Spending time with my sponsor and getting to know the successful women leaders that we have at Mattamy, finding out about how they started – some of them in entry-level positions – and how they built their careers, shows me that I’m in the right place. I’m more confident about myself and how I can contribute to the company.”


Sponsoree Alejandra Esposito

Assistant Supervisor

Mattamy GTA Urban Division

"What I find appealing about being a sponsor in the WiN@Mattamy program is twofold. First, I work for a company that puts time, energy and resources into developing their future leaders. This trait is becoming more and more rare, and I know enough to appreciate it! Second, I have the opportunity to impact the career of someone else just as I was impacted by mentors in my career. It is both humbling and rewarding, and I am grateful for the program.”


Sponsor Elizabeth Manchester

Vice President

Sales & Marketing Orlando