Energy-Efficient and Low-Carbon Homes

A woman with dark curly hair and a light blue shirt looking at a touch screen on a wall and pointing at it.

"We now know the GHG impacts of homebuilding – the embodied carbon impacts and the ongoing operational impacts. We also know there are technologies, products and approaches that can help reduce those impacts in a cost-effective way and that we have the scale to drive meaningful change. So, with that knowledge, we believe there’s an obligation to act."


Bill Tofflemire


Mattamy Asset Management

Mattamy Homes Energy Achievement for FY2023

Our Carbon Focus

Building more sustainable homes means focusing on our GHG emissions reduction strategy. From the products we select, to our construction efforts and the long-term operation of our homes, our activities emit GHGs. By calculating and understanding our homes’ whole building life cycle, we can better understand our path to net zero, develop and execute a GHG reduction strategy and, through sharing and collaboration, lead the homebuilding industry to net zero.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
Circle chart with many shades of blue covering the chart compromising of different scope emissions with the total of 99% at the bottom.

Whole Building Lifecycle Assessment


Whole building lifecycle assessment from product stage to in-use stage to end-of-life stage. This is talking about emissions from construction to everyday activities to the deconstruction of a home.

Understanding Our Impact

To hit a target, it helps to know what you’re aiming for. Mattamy’s research into understanding our impact is an essential step in setting definitive reduction targets which will be included in our FY24 Sustainability Report.

A chart with multiple blue bars showing the Operational Energy and Carbon results for both Mattamy Canada and US divisions and a light blue line showing the trends among the vertical bars.

Looking Ahead 30 Years

Mattamy is working to reduce the amount of GHG emissions released into the atmosphere between the present and 2050 to help limit the increase in global temperature to 1.5–2°C. Consequently, we are looking at the carbon impacts of our homes and homebuilding activities through a 30-year lens – though our homes are inevitably used for a longer time.