Dad and daughter playing with dough and laughing while leaning against the kitchen island with white oak cabinets, silver faucet and orchid on the counter
Blue pie chart showing Mattamy's Total GHG Emissions in Tonnes CO2e including Scope 1, Scope 2 and Scope 3 emissions. Scope 1: 13,591 (<1%), Scope 2: 994 (<1%) and Scope 3 including operational, embodied and other carbon: 1,393,598 (99%).
Infographic showing the Whole Lifecycle Product Stage for a home including Product Stage, In-Use Stage and End-of-Life Stage. Product Stage: Emissions generated by creating and transporting materials used in building a home and the subsequent construction. In-use stage: Emissions created by all the activities associated with home life. End-of-life stage: Emissions produced by deconstructing a home and material disposal. With 20% Scope 3 embodied carbon at the Product STage and 79% Scope 3 operational carbon at the in-use stage.

A code-built home is a home that is projected to only meet the minimum requirements to be code compliant with the municipal, provincial, state or national requirements for a home to receive an occupancy permit.