Executive Statement on Sustainability

We are pleased to present the inaugural Sustainability Report for Mattamy Homes. On behalf of our colleagues across the organization, we appreciate your interest in Mattamy. This report is an essential step in our sustainability journey, a path we have been on since Peter Gilgan founded the company 45 years ago.

As the leaders of the company’s homebuilding operations in Canada and the United States, we are proud to help develop healthy, welcoming communities. We are excited by the challenge and the opportunity to build more energy-efficient and environmentally friendly homes.


At Mattamy, we believe that sustainability encompasses a company’s long-term environmental, economic and social impacts. For us, we want to act and make decisions today that will enable us to better support our customers and other critical stakeholders, as well as the planet we all inhabit, for generations to come.


Our long-term perspective is coupled with a near-term focus on the challenge of climate change. We are committed to leading our industry in sustainability and embedding it into everything we do, most significantly, working to reduce and, where possible, eliminate GHG emissions associated with our homes and operations.


Every Mattamy division now has its own sustainability manager to help us develop approaches based on efficiency and affordability as well as the unique circumstances of each market. At Mattamy, sustainability is a shared goal, but every division can take its own best path to reach that destination.


We are on a journey with clear milestones – such as reducing GHG emissions, building more energy-efficient homes and further supporting health and belonging in our communities – and a clear goal: to help the world achieve Net Zero emissions. For our team, it is a journey defined by challenge and continuous improvement, because at Mattamy, we believe we can always do better. That is our commitment, and we look forward to tracking and reporting on our progress in achieving our sustainability goals.