A Message From Our Founder

Operating with care and consideration for the environment is nothing new for Mattamy Homes. However, we are now acting with a greater sense of urgency and focus as we work toward meeting the global threat of climate change. To that end, I am pleased to share Mattamy’s second annual sustainability report. It covers our 2024 fiscal year, which coincided with our 45th year of building quality homes and welcoming families into our communities.

In our 2023 Sustainability Report, I described the steps Mattamy had taken – including holding a series of sustainability workshops at each of our operations across Canada and the United States – to make it clear that sustainability and, in particular, reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from our operations and developments, is a top priority for the company and its leadership.


In the last year, we built on the foundation for achieving our sustainability goals by investing in sustainability performance software for consistent and reliable data tracking, appointing national sustainability directors for Canada and the U.S., and providing each division with a dedicated sustainability manager. Ensuring each division has a sustainability manager is particularly crucial in aligning with our bottom-up strategic approach to implementing a culture of sustainability throughout the organization.


Two key realizations will influence our approach in the future. We must balance our sustainability focus on operational carbon with an equal focus on embodied carbon. And, to secure the broadest possible customer support for our sustainability strategy, we need to show customers the connection between sustainability, energy efficiency and reduced operating costs over the long term.


As we work to improve our sustainability performance, we are also working to improve the sustainability performance of our industry. We hosted a meeting in Toronto, attended by top executives from more than 30 builders as well as senior industry consultants, where we laid out the thinking behind our commitment to sustainability. We played a leadership role by working to share information and build relationships with groups such as the Climate Smart Buildings Alliance, the Toronto Home Builders Association and the global A4S CFO Leadership Network. We are also leveraging relationships to help address the issue of affordability, which has become a source of concern for builders, governments and those pursuing home ownership.


At Mattamy, we describe our sustainability efforts as a journey. There are many reasons for this – we know the direction we’re heading in, but our route is evolving. We are all moving forward together, though our paces may vary.


But there’s another reason. About 10 years ago, I took a cross-Canada bike ride with my family. Among the many great things that came from that trip, it helped remind me of the value of the beauty of our country and the natural world. My family and I recognized that Mattamy had an obligation to help preserve that value for future generations. Done in a thoughtful and collaborative way, we can accelerate the homebuilding industry’s shift toward sustainability.


My colleagues across Mattamy share this insight, and this report reflects their hard work and commitment.


Peter Gilgan
Chairman, CEO & CSO
Mattamy Asset Management
Founder of Mattamy Homes