Responsible Management

Three people sitting on a couch having a meeting. The two women to the left are wearing dress shirts and blazers and the man on the right is wearing a grey sweater and blue jeans,

"When it comes to sustainability, a great thing that Mattamy has addressed is getting 100% participation from our team – they are included, listened to, and informed. It’s not just ‘Here’s what we’re doing,’ but also ‘Here’s why we’re doing it, why it’s important’ and ‘How can you help reach our goals?’"


Larry Nicholson

Executive Chairman

Mattamy Homes

People and Culture

Our company is only as good as our people. So, we strive to hire the best and to support them with a welcoming, inclusive workplace defined by a positive culture with a powerful sense of community and belonging.


We recognize our obligation to help our people establish fulfilling careers where they can learn, grow, and develop.

Male laughing with coworker

An Evolving Workplace

In Canada, we adopted hybrid work – three days in the office for all office team members – and re-imagined our office spaces to promote collaboration and connection. We further support our hybrid model via training for our people leaders on how to effectively manage remote teams.


Mattamy team members are some of the most engaged workers in the world, as evidenced by scores and feedback from our recent engagement survey. This is during a time when engagement continues to fall for most organizations, with many employees feeling disconnected from their employers. We all know that engaged team members are more loyal, provide more discretionary effort, and have a real bottom-line impact on measures that matter to a business, like retention, customer satisfaction and profitability. Being there for our team members means they are there for us and our customers.

Health and Safety

We want everyone associated with our homes and developments – team members, contractors, vendors, homebuyers and community members – to stay safe and healthy. For 45 years, we have built a culture that is committed to continuous improvement when it comes to health and safety.

Circle icon with different blue to grey shades and copy on four corners of each side of the chart. With the categories of Site Presence, On-site Heath and Safety practices, site inspections and audits and Heath and Safety training.

Diversity and Inclusion

We aim to build a culture where diversity and inclusion (D&I) simply reflect who we are and how we do things. Diversity and inclusion are integral to the relations we build with team members, homebuyers and communities.

Diversity and Inclusion frame work chart with vertical blocks in the categories of Reflect Diversity in Our Teams, Foster a Culture of Inclusion, Measure Our Journey and Serve Diverse Partners.