Energy and Carbon Assessments Set Reduction Pathways

A man and woman on a couch each reading a book wearing blue jeans and a light blue and white top. A teenager is seen behind them in another room also reading.

Case Study

To deliver GHG emissions reductions in our homes, we need to understand the emissions they produce. Working with industry experts, Mattamy embarked on a company-wide effort to understand the emissions generated from the materials we use to build our homes and the energy used for the operation of our homes.


Working with our advisors and using industry-accepted modelling tools, we evaluated the energy and carbon impacts of 50 low-rise homes and four mid- and high-rise projects. Our low-rise home assessments were completed across our markets to understand the operational and embodied carbon impacts from factors such as climate, building materials, local electrical grid emissions and energy usage. In turn, this information enables us to develop tailored approaches to emissions reduction.


With this baseline research complete, we continue to work with our advisors on identifying building techniques and materials that will drive forward our objective of developing energy-efficient and low-carbon homes.