Preserving Wetlands and Managing Stormwater in Calgary

A woman jogging along side some trees along a pathway with a pond and a row of houses in the distance

Case Study

As it looks to the future, Calgary, Alberta, anticipates an increase in severe and high-intensity rainfall events. In preparation, the City has adopted stringent stormwater design guidelines for developers while also reaching out to them for innovative ideas. At Mattamy’s Cityscape community, working with the City of Calgary and the Province of Alberta, we aimed to reflect the natural conditions before development. In our approach, stormwater is collected, directed to local storm ponds by grading and pipes, and pumped into a retained wetland. This keeps the wetland at pre-development water levels, preserving habitat for native plants and animals. Informative signage helps residents connect with its natural beauty. We incorporated the natural wetland area into the 138-km (86 mile) Rotary/Mattamy Greenway path system.


Our innovative design enabled us to manage storm water more effectively and efficiently on-site while preserving Calgary’s natural assets and adding a valuable amenity to both the local community and the city.

"Innovative design enabled us to manage stormwater more effectively and efficiently on-site while preserving Calgary’s natural assets."