Building Homes and Communities in Harmony with Nature

Image of Tradition Square in Florida with a white church to the left with a tall tower and palm trees around a centre court near the rivier

Case Study

At Tradition, in Southeast Florida, our master plan includes a plan for living in harmony with the natural world, both within and surrounding this thoughtfully designed community.


Tradition features 300 acres of parks, ponds and conservation areas. During and after the development process, we worked with dedicated environmental groups and committees, who provided guidance and oversight of our efforts to preserve and, in some cases, enhance the natural state of the property.


We also worked with experts – including an arborist, an environmental consultant and a dedicated development district engineer, to manage ponds, lakes, pumps and conveyance canals – to guide our plan and support its implementation.


Throughout the development, we took steps to preserve native trees and plants, re-establish local wetlands, and introduce features like critter crossings under roadways that keep wildlife off busy streets.


The Tradition Trail, a defining feature, is the heart of a 20-mile, multimodal path system that connects people with natural experiences. A key feature of the trail is a three-mile natural preservation corridor that enables people to walk or bike through pristine areas and enjoy natural habitats.

"Making the natural world a vibrant part of the community helps to ensure that it is appreciated and preserved."